HarvestMaster™ is excited to announce the newest feature for the Alvo™ Field Applicator – the Sensor Upgrade Kit. The Sensor Upgrade Kit is the first multi-boom plot sprayer system that tracks and measures the flow rate of up to 23 applicators as the sprayer drives through the plots. Whether researchers are using Alvo for fertilizer, pesticides, or inoculum, with the Sensor Upgrade Kit they can ensure accurate and consistent distribution of the material throughout their plots, tracking flow, speed, and air pressure data in real-time.
Revolutionizing plot Spraying
One of the many features of the Sensor Upgrade Kit is that it helps researchers maintain data integrity while spraying plots. Tracking the speed ensures that the application is being evenly distributed, all while Mirus™ is keeping GPS coordinates of where the treatments are being applied. In addition to monitoring speed, the Sensor Upgrade Kit informs the operator in real-time if there is any deviation with the system’s pressure in the sprayer that will affect the flow rate. This is critical for making sure that all plots are evenly covered with the material, guaranteeing accurate results.
The Sensor Upgrade Kit also measures units per minute applied and calculates the data into gallons (liters) used per acre (hectare). This is essential for researchers to know the application rate and have confidence that no plot is being missed or being sprayed incorrectly. The Sensor Upgrade Kit accurately logs flow data, equipment speed, and the sprayer air pressure 5 times per second to give the most accurate and relevant information that is crucial for proper plot spraying.
As researchers know, any debris like dirt, rust, or poorly mixed fluid, leads to insufficient application to the plots. The data capabilities of the Sensor Upgrade Kit will show any deviation in application, which could lead to falsely reported results.

Reviewing Collected Data
Once researchers have finished applying the treatments to their plots, the data collected by the Sensor Upgrade Kit can easily be exported into an Excel file for review. This allows the researchers to see all data points and locations collected during the field application to see if there are any errors or deviations that were overlooked while spraying, or to see the averages of pressure, application rate, and flow rate from all booms used. If there was a deviation during application, the researchers would know exactly where in their plots the application wasn’t applied consistently and will show them what caused the application rate to change. This allows researchers to take the appropriate actions needed to resolve any issues that may arise while spraying plots, leading to improved applications during future uses.

Sensor Upgrade Kit – Meeting your Research Needs
Plot sprayers are the most common equipment the Sensor Upgrade Kit has been installed on, but it can be utilized on any equipment that uses the Alvo Field Applicator. Whether a researcher is spraying herbicides, pesticides, fertilizer, or testing a disease process on their crops, they need unquestionable data collection, and the most revolutionary and accurate feature to enhance their plot spraying success, is the Sensor Upgrade Kit.
Contact HarvestMaster today for more information!